The author was fortunate to be given the opportunity to visit Hongi Hika, at the McLeay Museum, University of Sydney, recently. There are three known carved busts of Hongi in existence; this one in Australia, a second in New Zealand, and a third in England. Gratitude goes to Dr Jude Philp PhD Camb MPhil BA - Senior Curator and Rebecca Conway BA (Hons) - Curator of the McLeay Museum, and also to the Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi for their letter of support. The author has just held discussions with the staff of the Brighton-Hove Museum, U.K., to confirm a similar viewing and filming (of the carving on the extreme right) in January 2019.
The author has been featured in the University of Sydney Art. Culture. Antiquities. Natural History. MUSE publication.
Issue 21 20 October 2018. p. 35.