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Kaupapa - Projects


A brief overview of the projects 



Hongi's Hikoi: A Trio of Travellers - Three men. Three countries... 

Series of bicentennial commemorative events 

All original events have now been cancelled, postponed or rescheduled 


A series of bicentennial commemorative events, which were originally planned for England, Australia and New Zealand during late-September through mid-October 2020. The UK-based events have now been cancelled, and replaced with a documentary), and the Australian- and New Zealand-based events rescheduled for June 2022, and July 2022 respectively.


These are to acknowledge Hongi, Waikato and Thomas Kendall's achievements and experiences during their momentous 1820 journey to England and their return to New Zealand, some 200 years ago.

*Click  here  for further details.




Hongi's Hikoi: A Trio of Travellers 

Short Film

Footage shot between January 2019 - April 2022

Post-production began in July 2021

First-draft screened on 18th July 2022

Final-draft envisaged to be completed by February 2023


The focus of this short film is the 1820 journey, to and from, England, Australia, and New Zealand, by Hongi Hika, Waikato and Thomas Kendall; their experiences and achievements, as pivotal characters from within New Zealand history.


The film's duration will be between 15-17 mins, with two versions; Te Reo Maori, with English subtitles, and English, with Te Reo Maori subtitles.


Completion date for first-draft short film is envisaged to be June 2022, whilst a documentary about the Hongi's Hikoi series of bicentennial commemorative events is expected to be produced some time during 2022-2025. 


*Click  here  for further details




Hongi Hika: A Portrait 

Research Paper/Journal Article 

Project completed - Published June 2019 


This is an academic study focusing on the three carved wooden busts purported to be of Hongi Hika, which are located in New Zealand, Australia and England. 


It is believed that Hongi Hika carved one of these himself, whilst at Parramatta in August 1814, and the idea of which particular carving is authentic is an interesting question. Whatever the outcome is, this trio of busts maintain a meaningful link these three countries and serve as a lasting tribute to Hongi's journey. 


This article also provides a background to Hongi, Waikato and Thomas Kendalls' 1820 journey to England and Australia.


This article was published in the Journal of Museum Ethnography No 32, 2019, pp. 209-224. 




*Click  here  for further details





Hongi's Kakahu: Rangatira to Royalty 

Research Paper/Journal Article 

Investigatory viewing completed 10 January 10 2019

Comprehensive examination completed 3 & 14 October 2019

Researching and Writing Process began - December 2019


A detailed examination of Hongi Hika's kakahu (woven flax cloak) at the British Museum, has been  undertaken, resulting in two outcomes:


1. A research paper/journal article will be published in both English and Te Reo Maori, and

2. Either, a) the original kakahu will be brought back to New Zealand on loan, or b) a re-creation of this significant taonga (cultural treasure) will be made, enabling this stunning cloak to be brought home to Aotearoa, to be loved and appreciated by all New Zealanders.  


Completion date is envisaged to be June 2022.


*Click  here  for further details





A Trio of travellers: three men, three countries 

Children's Book - Digital and Hardcopy 

Completed June 2022

The purpose of the book is to provide our tamariki with an additional engaging, bilingual, learning resource (in both Te Reo Maori and English), focusing on genuine, researched whakapapa (history). This is also promotes Maori history through an interesting, culturally and age-appropriate platform.


The book is aimed at Kohanga Reo and Primary School level.


Completion date was June 2022.


*Click  here  or further details.




Nga upoko o Hongi: The three busts of Hongi 

Curatorial Project 

Curatorial Investigation has been in Process since 
January 2020
Exhibition envisaged to be held during 2025-2026 
Unbeknownst to most, there are actually three carved wooden busts of Hongi Hika in existence, not only the one in the Auckland Museum, as is commonly believed. 
Our goal is to bring these busts together, to unify them, as part of these bicentennial commemorations. This would be the first time that all three busts would have been together, in the same place, and something that may never happen again.
*Click  here  or further details.

Background image: 'A Trio of Travellers'. Photographer and artist - Brent Kerehona

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